kangoo cartoon

Dear Vicki,


There are companies out there that will recondition the rear diff, but I should imagine even this will be expensive. It is a shame the parts are so massively expensive which is why I decided to remove my drive shaft, half shafts and rear diff. And I got another 12 k miles out of it before the injection pump went.




I wouldn’t buy anything second hand, probably not worth the effort.


I guess your problem is that you actually need the 4x4 living where you do so either look around for someone to recondition it / put up with the noise / or buy a new car . . .


There is a useful pdf of the 4x4 system specs you can send to the reconditioning people




If you look up people who recondition gear boxes in your area I’m sure they will help you out, at least you van drive around with the diff removed, while they are mending it.


Some to try:










William J Thorpe

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From: Vicki Nairn [mailto:Vicki.Nairn@highland.gov.uk]
Sent: 03 September 2012 15:45
To: Southwest Environmental
Subject: RE: Kangoo trekka prop shaft


Hi Will


Sorry for not getting back to you sooner-  life has been hectic and have been moving house.


It is a prop shaft – came  with the car and currently wrapped up in my garage.  I just want to move it so £150 would be fine for spares – it’s in Inverness though and would need to be collected – happy to take pictures


Also, I have a problem with my trekka and I wonder if you can help/point me in the right direction.  It has been making a nasty metal rubbing noise from the real wheel area  which I thought was a hole in the exhaust, however the Renault garage told me last week that it is the ‘rear diff’ and quoted me near £4,000 to fix it.  As it is a 03 trekka with 90,000 miles on the clock then it is really not worth fixing at that price  but the rest of the car is in great condition.  Do you know if it is possible to buy these parts second hand and if so where should I look and what to avoid?  I’m fairly clueless about cars but I really like my trekka and loathe to sell it as other than that it’s in perfect condition.  I have been looking for a 1.9 with low mileage and FSH but they are very rare!


Any advice appreciated




Kind Regards


Vicki Nairn

Head of E-Government

The Highland Council



T: 01463 702848



From: Southwest Environmental [mailto:swenviro@gmail.com]
Sent: 23 July 2012 14:36
To: Vicki Nairn
Subject: RE: Kangoo trekka prop shaft


I can list it on our website for maybe.


£1000 new so £300 may be realistic or perhaps £150 for quick sale.


Let me know what you think.






From: Vicki Nairn [mailto:Vicki.Nairn@highland.gov.uk]
Sent: 23 July 2012 13:52
To: wt@southwest-environmental.co.uk
Subject: Kangoo trekka prop shaft




I have a complete prop shaft I would like to sell.  It came with the car as a spare as the previous owner had some wear and tear on some bushes and decided to replace the entire thing, and would be useful for spares.  I believe it is in full working order but I am not a mechanic and would not be able to comment.


Please could you advise me if I could sell this and what sort of price?


Item is located near Inverness and would need to be collected as heavy!




Kind Regards


Vicki Nairn

Head of E-Government

The Highland Council



T: 01463 702848



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